Indian Rat Snake

Indian rat snake or as the locals call “Dhaman” are found in parts of south and south east Asia. These snakes are fast moving and sense danger quickly if approached by a human, but consider running away as a better option though they can grow up to 3 meters. They may look big but are non-venomous snake.

I see them quite often as I live in a healthy local ecosystem where each and every organism has a great chance to thrive. These snakes are astonishingly beautiful and shiny to look at. Rat snakes are quick and often scary when one sees them approach though they are running from another human behind! It took two people to catch this one and it was a hell of an experience while catching this amazing beauty.
A distinct pattern can be found on them

 People are often scared of snakes but they are not at all aggressive at first. It is better to keep a distance anytime anywhere when you see a snake. You cannot predict an animal, even humans are unpredictable. It is rather advised to let someone who works as a snake catcher go near. AND not at all advised to kill a snake on sight! They have a family too. Think about it. The best way is to have a look out at the snake and call a snake catcher.

Rat snakes are beautiful
A stare in the eye (Indian Rat snake)

 (Content and photographs by Prabhu Parmar)


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